Dutch nowcasting specialist Meandair has launched a new weather service that provides actual weather (AW-METAR) and near-term forecasts (AW-TAF) for every airport in Europe.
According to Meandair, only 7% of all airports worldwide issue regular weather information (METAR) and even fewer issue regular weather forecasts (TAF). The AirportWeather.com service was developed in partnership with several airports and uses advanced weather nowcasting models to provide high-quality actual weather information and forecasts for every airport in Europe.
Subscribed airports and their pilots have unlimited access to AirportWeather.com weather reports and forecasts. Airports can sign up for a free trial to access features such as a kiosk mode to show weather reports, forecasts and local banners in their airport lobbies, flight schools or restaurants.
Until August 2023, airports and pilots have unlimited access to AirportWeather.com weather reports and forecasts. From August 2023, weather reports and forecasts will only be available for subscribed airports. Pilots of unsubscribed airports will have limited access each day.
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