Prescient Weather has been awarded a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I grant by NOAA to study subseasonal to seasonal forecasts.
The creator of the World Climate Service, an online system to improve long-range weather and climate variability forecasts, will develop forecasting techniques for the private sector.
The SBIR work will integrate federal inter-agency SubX subseasonal research and forecast projects with similar efforts of other nations.
Dr Jan Dutton, CEO of Prescient Weather, said, “As forecasting technology improves at all timescales, subseasonal forecasting is emerging with significant commercial promise. Prescient Weather customers, along with other corporate interests, seek forecast information beyond the traditional 10-14 day time range currently available. The SBIR will help us continue to be an innovative commercial provider of superior subseasonal forecast information for three to six weeks in advance.”
Dr Dutton added, “Improvements in this type of forecasting serve all stakeholders ranging from large and varied corporate interests to modest farming entities. We are enthused that NOAA entrusts the continuing work of Prescient Weather with this, our third SBIR grant. As the market leader, we strive to maintain the confidence of our customers and partners as we remain dedicated to incorporating the best science possible into our forecasting technology.”