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STORM SURGE MODELING : Despite catastrophic storm surge events, the global death toll remains small due to more available prediction and information dissemination
WEATHER RESEARCH FORECASTING MODEL : Used in more than 150 countries by more than 25,000 users, the WRF system is possibly the most flexible NMP model in the world
FORMULAE FOR TORNADOES : Operational monitoring of the strength of a storm would be more accurate using algorithms, models and formulae
UAVs: AN ESSENTIAL MET TOOL : Unmanned aerial vehicles for predicting and evaluating volcanic ashes, landslides and flood patterns are key to disaster management and a host of other applications
AERODROME FORECASTING : Aerodrome weather reports can be broken down into meteorological parameters and then analyzed with regard to cloud data
RADIOSONDE TESTING : Radiosonde trials have been assessed by the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute and the UK Met Office