Thies CLIMA - Innovates for Extremes!
Thies Clima is a leading provider of climate and environmental measurement technology. With over 75 years of experience, a dedicated team of 120 employees and a global network of distributors and partners, we support customers worldwide in making precise and reliable measurements of climate, weather and air quality parameters.
Our location in and around Göttingen offers us direct access to science and an inspiring environment. Our sensors cover a broad spectrum, including
- Anemometry for wind measurement and control of wind turbines
- Sensors for precipitation, temperature, humidity, solar radiation and air pressure
- Compact, highly integrated weather stations
- Data loggers, software/apps and extensive accessories
Precipitation analysis - New method: THERMACERN® is an innovative technology from Thies Clima for analysing solid-liquid precipitation. It enables the precise differentiation and quantification of precipitation events in the transition zone between the solid and liquid phases, such as supercooled precipitation, sleet, freezing rain and black ice. Another method is the 3D stereo disdrometer, which uses real-time image processing to clearly detect precipitation types regardless of fall speed and particle size.
As the manufacturer of the certified "First Class" anemometer, Thies Clima sets the global standard in wind measurement technology. Our sensors and systems comply with the guidelines of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and are recognised by international authorities, companies, universities and weather services.
We offer not only high-quality products, but also comprehensive technical support, advice and customised solutions.
Stand number 7042